mark at e c l a t spacial design is primarily a designer and project manager.

on receipt of an enquiry, in the first instance, we will get in touch, for a free and informal site visit, to meet you the client and for you to meet us.

we can then talk over the project, budget, time frames, and we can gather enough information for us to form a design brief.

we will then go away and using the brief, create an 'asthetic design intention'.

this is where we will create layout drawings and mood/sample boards to present to yourself with our proposed design, based on the brief and overall creative intent.

if design is approved, or we need to make changes, we will then provide all drawings and specifications required for your project. 

we then work closely with contractors, whether their interior fitout specialists or landscape contractors, to gather quotes for them to be able to tender for the work, and commence the job directly for you.

we can then oversee and project and manage the whole job, or hand it over to yourself and your contractors.

sketch/concept development ideas

the fees...

each design project and brief is different and requires different drawings, site visits, and project management etc...

therefore we price each project on an individual basis, that can be discussed at our initial meeting.

sketch/concept development ideas